Thursday, 27 May 2021

Dating Again After Lockdown

 We can now go on proper dates again in person... Yay! During Lockdown, many of us opted for virtual dates. Video dating became the norm for a while. Actually, it's a pretty good idea to have a video chat before an in-person date. It allows you to see what kind of character that person has and it also shows you they are real. Although restrictions have eased and the hospitality sector has reopened, there are still a couple of rules to follow, such as wearing your mask until you reach your table. There are lots of places to go on dates, check out the Merseyside Dating Site to find your perfect match. Here are a few places that would be perfect for that first date after lockdown.

Cocktail Classes At The Alchemist Liverpool

If you both love a Cocktail or fancy yourself to be the ultimate Cocktail maker, take a trip to the Alchemist in Liverpool. This makes a fun but still relaxed first date. You'll get a step by step guide in making the Perfect Cocktail. The masterclass runs for about an hour and a half. There are two packages to choose from... package one will just be drinks and package two will come with a selection of nibbles. If you haven't found a date yet. check out Merseyside Dating to find that special person.

Royal Court Theatre Liverpool

If you love the theatre, this will make a cute first date. There is always lots on. Food and drink are available and you also have the opportunity to experience their Royal Court dining, where you dine before a show. At the Royal Court Theatre, they serve food a bit differently from the norm. Stalls are laid out in a cabaret style. Don't forget to order your dessert for the interval! 

The Beatles Story Liverpool

If you both love music and interested in the history of bands, whatever you're into, a trip to The Beatles Story in Liverpool is a must. You'll have an audio guide that will take you through the history of The Beatles and each members life. There are also replicas of iconic Beatle places that will transport you back to the '60s.

Museum Of Liverpool

Located on the gorgeous waterfront, the Museum Of Liverpool will take you back to the diverse and interesting history of the city with lots of collections to view. This would make a great day date. There are lots of places to drink and eat around here too if the date ends up heading into the evening.

Everyman Cinema Liverpool

Forget your classic VUE or Odeon Cinema. At Everyman, you can get food and drink served straight to your sofa style seats... pretty cool huh? Whether it's a comedy or horror that you fancy watching. The Everyman is a great cinema experience and your date will love it. There are lots of snacks and drinks to choose from, so sit back, relax and enjoy.

All photos are free for commercial use via Pixabay

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